Your HumanGuide

What do you want to improve in the business?

We can offer many areas and ways...

The most obvious thing is to improve recruitment. There are many pitfalls. Every wrong recruitment means that you have got a problem maker of small or large scale. Many times difficult to fix – especially in the short term. Steve Jobs, Apple's founder, said: The first 10 hires determine whether the company will be a failure or a success.

Unfortunately, the most common use of a personality test, such as ours, is to only use the test result to rank candidates for a job. We think that's a shame, i.e. you don't get the full benefit of the time and cost spent. In our HumanGuide concepts, the core of which is our personality test, there are also concepts for
– team building and team development

– onboarding

– leadership development

- development of the business' brand and culture

In addition, several unique functions when it comes to recruitment.

Our competitors often strive to sell as many tests as possible. We offer something more: To develop the company/organization so that all (!) employees and leaders continuously receive a high PassionIndex. This means that the employees' personality has a good fit for their job. That they have a good match to the brand and the culture and a good collaboration with their colleagues.

Below we describe how. But first why choose our personality test?

Why should you choose the HumanGuide personality test?
A strong reason is that the underlying theory consists of eight basic dimensions, so you can make sharper conclusions, when choosing a suitable job or life partner, for example;-) Several tests on the market, for example DISC, only have four basic dimensions. Or the tests, which are based on the Five Factor Model (Big five), have only five.

The tests, which are based on the Big five model, also have the disadvantage that they are not based on any theory. This means that with a test result you can only give information about how someone will probably act in a certain situation, but not why. We can, through the underlying theory.

The HumanGuide concepts also differ in other ways, for example because it is not just a test, but because there are many types of support, when applying what has emerged from the test results. For example, we have this web app, which we will soon describe more. There is also the web app, which you can read more about by going to that address and clicking on the same button you just did;-)

In 2003, we also published the book
Let the Personality Bloom, as a support for personal development based on HumanGuide.

The test is now available in 15 languages. It is most widely used in Brazil – over 500,000 tests have been taken since 2010. The test was approved there in 2009 by SATEPSI, as the first of its kind, i.e. forced-choice and internet-based.

Recruitment and staffing
As already said, this area is critical when developing a business, because it can never be better than what its leaders and employees can perform.

Something that is very decisive for a successful recruitment is that you have a clear requirement specification for the personality. Otherwise, there is the risk that you, for example, choose someone you like. It is usually someone who resembles your own personality.

With the HumanGuide concepts, you can create a Job Profile to describe the desired personality. Even better is if there are others in the business who already have this job and they have taken the HumanGuide test, then you can take such test results into account when making the requirements specification. A big advantage of a solid and agreed requirement specification is that you determine faster a good ranking of the candidates for the job.

We also have our test in the format of a deck of cards. It is very practical as a tool for making a requirement specification, i.e. you register the selected cards in our IT system and then you have a well-established Job Profile.

We can also offer an ingenious way to check up references. Instead of having an interview with the reference person, they are asked to make a so-called X's PersonProfile via our system to give their view of the candidate. Differences in the candidate's view of his personality with the reference person's view are then analysed. Those differences are then mainly taken up with the reference person.

When someone has made a PersonProfile and been hired, it becomes easy to do a good onboarding, i.e. getting to know the new employee. And the employees in the business can show theirs. This is made even easier by our web app, which you can read more about below...

Team building and team development
When you understand the personality of others, it is much easier to cooperate. Unfortunately, many personal conflicts are due to a lack of understanding of the other's driving forces - the personality.

Here we can contribute with several practical tools, e.g
It is the compilation of two or more profiles, displayed as a column with room for eight per page. It can also be used when recruiting, for example, a Job Profile and PersonProfiles for interesting candidates.

These are available in the form of a participant sign or in the same way digitally in the web app, as described below.

Link their PersonProfiles in the web app, as below.

It is a document in which everyone’s strongest and second strongest factors are shown, i.e. the core factor and the co-factor.

Leadership development
When you use the HumanGuide concepts within a business, it means that all managers get access to a practical toolbox for e.g.
– conflict management
– coaching
– recruitment
– onboarding
– etc

Development of the brand and the culture of a business
After all, it is people who create and nurture both the brand and the culture of a business. Well... Sometimes it happens as it does, i.e. this is not done deliberately and then it is chance that decides. More and more realize that this must be done deliberately, for example regarding employer branding. Importantly, the brand and the culture are two sides of the same coin.

The HumanGuide concepts can contribute to the conscious development and care of culture. Then you use CultureProfiles. Of course, these do not include all the details, but they can quickly provide an overview, which can then be used as a platform for communication.

The app is bilingual (Swedish and English), which you can set when you are logged in. The app has these basic functions

0-Personality Lexicon & Advice, i.e. here you can find knowledge about the personality theory Eight boxes, which is a simplified version of Leopold Szondi's (1893-1986) personality theory. In addition, there is advice, which is based on the theory, for example How can you give an unpleasant message to someone who has a lot of the factor Power?

1-My PersonProfile?, i.e. here you see your own PersonProfile, when you have taken the test. You can also "click" on your eight factors and see what it means in the same way as in our dictionary.

2-My Personal Chemistry with...? In other words, here you can connect your PersonProfile with others who have taken the test. You then get access to each other's profiles and can analyse your personal chemistry.

3-My PassionIndex? In other words, here you can calculate your PassionIndex, i.e. how well your own personality fits a certain job, or together with a certain person or a certain culture. It then assumes that you then make Job, Personal and Cultural Profiles to make such a calculation. The aim is to get a simple value with this index, so it is easier for you to choose between two jobs or...

How can you as an individual or leader benefit from these features? Here below you have some examples...

How you benefit from
0-Personality Lexicon & Advice
If you select this function, you will be met by a sub-menu, where you can find out more about each of the eight factors, namely

– what does the factor mean?

– how is the chemistry of the factor?

– how to deal with exaggeration with the factor?

– what does the factor contribute to, for example, in a team?

– how should you show that you like someone with a certain factor?

– how should one communicate with someone who has a high value on a factor?

If you are a leader, there are many more areas, e.g
– recruitment, e.g. requirement specification
– personal assessment
– team building
– better analyses from final interviews
– develop and nurture culture/brand in the company or organization
– perpetuate the desired culture/brand in the company or organization

How you benefit from
1-My PersonProfile?
Here you can see your PersonProfile and, just like in our dictionary, find out more about each factor.

You can benefit from this basic function when you must introduce yourself to a new person with whom you are to collaborate. You can even show the app to the others...

Sometimes you can do a spontaneous check, if you are suitable for this or that, for example if you are going to try a new hobby, which seems interesting. Or you think about the question: Why do I do that? Etc.

How you benefit from
2-My Personal chemistry with....?
It can be of great value to have access to the profiles of those who are important in your network, for example when someone does something unexpected, which you don't know how to handle. Via the app, you can then get useful ideas... In general, it makes it much easier to collaborate with those whose profiles you include here... You also make it easier to support their personal development...

If you are a leader, there are many more areas, e.g
– who is suitable for that task?
– why do X and Y find it difficult to cooperate?
– will the team be good, if X replaces Y or?
– onboarding and team building
– how should I coach X?

A family can of course be seen as a team, so our recommendation is that you should interest all family members in taking the test and then connect each other's profiles. When you are a parent, you should help your children make wise choices, for example so they learn about the PassionIndex and that it should be high to have a good life. More on that in the next section...

How you benefit from
3-My PassionIndex?
This feature can be world unique... Very useful, but when something is radically new there can be some resistance before you start regularly using the new way.

What is clear is someone is looking for a job or is not satisfied with their current one or receives an offer for a new job. In any case, it is a strategic decision. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for that decision to be regretted after a while. It is always difficult to realize all the consequences. The purpose of the function is to provide a significantly better basis for decision-making, so that a better risk analysis can be carried out.

What needs to be done is to assess the current job, key person e.g. manager and current culture. Hmmm. But what if I can't? The idea then is that there is always someone who knows well enough. You can then ask such a person to make the estimate, which takes about 15 min/profile. Then just click on such a profile to have the PassionIndex calculated. Of course, you must take the calculation result with a pinch of salt, but it will be a good basis for a more detailed analysis.

That app is a part of the HumanGuide Cards, where the other part is a deck of cards with the same test questions, as in the online personality test. Cards has also complementary purposes.

You can read more about the web app by going to that address and clicking on the same button, which you just did and got to see this text;-)

More information about
the HumanGuide® concepts - see or buy the book "Let the Personality Bloom" via The book is also available there as an eBook. You can also buy the book as an eBook in English via

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